'A hundred years I slept beneath a thorn Until the tree was root and branches of my thought, Until white petals blossomed in my crown'
― Kathleen Raine, The Traveller
How do I work
The word psychotherapy is composed of two words: psyche in Ancient Greek means breath, spirit or soul, whereas therapeia refers to the healing or treatment of it. It is in this spirit that two individuals come together in dialogue to explore what might require more attention.
Unlike conventional ‘talking therapy’ mindfulness-based psychotherapy goes beyond merely talking about what might be important or distressing. Rather we can gently come into relationship with what is calling for our attention and care. We do this through our bodies. And by deeply listening not just to our minds but to our emotions, sensations, histories and longings something can be allowed to enter into the room with the therapist in order to be witnessed, held and transformed from a state of dis-ease back into health and fullness.
As such psychotherapy attempts to honour the individual in their wholeness. By working in an integrative way, complementary perspectives – developmental, parts work, existential, trauma, transpersonal, attachment theory and body psychotherapy – form a seamless whole through which we can co-journey together to where you and life wants to go. Over time a sense of basic trust may be restored that allows you to appreciate, process and relate to your existence with a greater sense of openness, curiosity and new possibilities to live into.
Specialities and Research Areas
Embodied Presence
In the lineage of John Welwood, to my teacher John Prendergast, and my mentor Riyaz Motan, this is a relational psycho-spiritual way of healing from presence. I've also co-hosted two courses with Riyaz on this.
Death and Dying
The transitional process of death is an area close to my heart. My time in South Asia has greatly informed my understanding of this process as it affects the individual, the family and the greater social-existential-spiritual context to which we belong and return to.
and Non-dual Therapy
Informed by perspectives coming from phenomenology, ontology and psychodynamic theory, intersubjectivity presents a lens and a way into a ground and relationship that is non-dual in nature.